× Blue_Moon_Belgian_White_Wheat_Beer

Blue Moon Belgian White Beer



Blue Moon Belgian White is a refreshing and unique wheat beer crafted with Valencia orange peel and a touch of coriander. It boasts a cloudy, hazy appearance characteristic of Belgian-style witbiers, with a smooth and inviting flavor profile.

Taste  -   A refreshing, citrusy wheat beer with a slightly sweet finish.

ABV  -   5.4%

Price  -   $ 18.98

4.9 / 5

How to Serve

Serve Blue Moon Belgian White chilled in a tall, narrow glass, preferably a Belgian tulip glass. Pour the beer gently to retain its natural cloudiness, and consider garnishing with an orange slice to enhance the citrus aromas.


* Water: The water used to brew Blue Moon Belgian White Beer is filtered and treated to ensure its purity.

* Malted barley: Malted barley is the main source of fermentable sugars in the beer. It also gives the beer its body and mouthfeel.

* Wheat: Wheat gives Blue Moon Belgian White Beer its signature cloudy appearance and smooth texture.

* Oats: Oats add a creaminess and fullness to the beer.

* Hops: Hops are responsible for the bitterness and aroma in the beer. Blue Moon Belgian White Beer is brewed with a blend of European and American hops.

* Yeast: Yeast is the microorganism that converts the fermentable sugars in the beer into alcohol and carbon dioxide.

* Natural flavors: Blue Moon Belgian White Beer contains natural flavors of coriander and orange peel. These spices give the beer its unique flavor profile.

Best Pairing

Blue Moon Belgian White Beer pairs well with a variety of foods, including:

* Seafood: The citrus flavors in the beer complement the sweetness of seafood dishes such as shrimp scampi and grilled salmon.

* Chicken: Blue Moon Belgian White Beer is a great match for chicken dishes such as chicken Caesar salad and grilled chicken breasts.

* Salads: The beer's refreshing flavor pairs well with a variety of salads, such as spinach salad with vinaigrette dressing and Caesar salad.

* Light appetizers: Blue Moon Belgian White Beer is a great choice to serve with light appetizers such as cheese and crackers, chips and salsa, and hummus and vegetables.


39 East Wacker Drive
Chicago, IL 60601
Phone: (312) 970-1000

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